Yellow Banana

Poster_Yellow Banana
copyright Hyunsin Kim

[Deutsch] Kurzurlaub mitten in Berlin! Lassen wir unsere Sorgen hinter uns und tauchen ein in die Welt des Ungewissen, des Neuen. Mit einem kulinarischen Fest, einer ganz speziellen Janchi, feiern wir das 250-Millionen-jährige Jubiläum der eurasischen Erdplatte. Zelebriert wird dieses besondere Versöhnungsritual zwischen Europa und Asien von keiner geringeren als der einzigartigen, authentischen Banane („außen gelb, innen weiß“) Olivia Hyunsin Kim!

[English] Voted #1 Attraction. Take a jaw-dropping journey across the continent and celebrate the 250 million years anniversary of the Eurasian Plate. Immerse yourself into the rich heritage of the yet unknown! Yellow Banana will bring to life the spirit of Eurasia

[Netherlandse] Welkom bij een Janchi in Tilburg! Geef je over aan dit culinaire feest, ter gelegenheid van de 250 miljoenste verjaardag van het supercontinent Eurazië.Dit bijzondere interculturele verzoeningsritueel wordt geïnitieerd door de enige echte Yellow Banana (geel van buiten, wit van binnen): Olivia Hyunsin Kim. De performance kwam tot stand na een research-reis door Azië. Olivia Hyunsin Kim werd vergezeld door Piet Menu (artistiek directeur Het Zuidelijk Toneel) en theatermaker Lucas De Man.

Place & Date:

▶ World Premiere and additional date, Sophiensæle, 15th till 16th of March 2019 at 21:00

▶ Netherland Premiere, Theater De Niuwe Vorst, 19th of March 2019 at 20:30

◎ Video

▶ Teaser:

▶ Full Video: Please contact me

◎ Credit

▶ Concept, Choreography, Performance: Olivia Hyunsin Kim

▶ Sound: laila nim aka Tatiana Heuman

▶ Dramaturgical Advice: Piet Menu and Jee-Ae Lim

▶ Light: Emile van Gils

▶ Song: Elischa Kaminer

▶ Support: DoodulSori

▶ Thanks to all those inspiring people who came before me and Christian Cattelan

▶ Produced by Olivia Hyunsin Kim/ddanddarakim and Het Zuidelijk Toneel.

◎ Press

1. Tanznetz Review

[English translation] It is always fascinating to see how a dance performance can evolve from within. Olivia Hyunsin Kim starts naked on stage in “Yellow Banana”, then a towel is whirls fresh wind into the theatre space. It continues with talking into the microfone. Finally she appears as a pop singer and then 4 percussionist appear. Luckily I had some earplugs with me, it is surprising how loud drums can be. With the sound of the drums and the dance of the percussionist in their traditonal clothes and their whirling Bands on their heads the performance changes into a celebration for everyone in the space.

[Deutsch] Es ist immer wieder spannend welchen großen Bogen eine Tanzperformance haben kann. Olivia Hyunsin Kim beginnt ihre neue Arbeit „Yellow Banana“ unbekleidet, um dann mit dem Saunatuch frischen Wind in den Theaterraum zu wedeln. Mit dem Mikrofon geht es weiter. Schließlich tritt sie als Popsängerin auf und dann erscheinen vier MusikerInnen mit ihren Trommeln. Zum Glück wurden mir vor der Performance Ohrstöpsel angeboten. Es ist kaum zu glauben, wie laut Trommeln sein können. Mit dem Sound und Tanz der Trommeln, in traditionellen Kleidern, den wirbelnden Bändern am Kopfschmuck wird das Stück zum Ende ein gemeinsames Fest für alle Anwesenden.

2. Interview with Tosca Sommerdijk: Yellow Banana “A mix between dance, ritual, music, sound, image, scent and everything that I have not yet seen”

[Partial English Translation] Then she suddenly comes up with something that got stuck in my head: “The continent is called Eurasia. But why is it Europe and Asia? “” Why divide the world by earthplates?” She then tries to explain the word “werelddeel(dutch word, no english translation, a separation of lands based on culture)” to me. But I don’t understand what she means from the pronounciation. After searching on the internet for a moment we find it. Werelddeel always sounded to me as a very normal word that simply belonged to geography. Europe is a werelddeel for me. But Africa too. And something went a little wrong, I think. Because Hyunsin makes me read the definition: “A werelddeel is a political, cultural and historical subdivision of the world.” Ahhh, that is something other than a continent. And I also wonder again, is that I did not realize that because I live in Europe? And because Europe is a continent as well as a werelddeel?

This question is therefore something she wants to incorporate into her performance. And also the concept of “prejudices”. And she also wants to include her identity, being a “Yellow Banana”(yellow on the outside, white on the inside). And also the idea of ​​cheap Chinese copies, which are not actually just copies. But a modified, better version for consumers in China called Shanzai, if I wrote it down correct. And she says that she wants a “shanzai” ritual celebration in her performance. A version that includes the non-Asian public. And she says in the interview that she wants to shape this in a somewhat abstract way in her performance. But everyone knows seeing is believing. So the following Monday I can visit a rehearsal. And I see. And I believe. Of course I don’t want to reveal too much. But I can tell you, it’s cool. Fat. Cool. Cool. Intense. A mix between dance, rituals, music, sound, image, scent and everything that I have not seen yet. So come and see! And believe.

3. TAZ Preview

[Deutsch]Die südkoreanische Vulkaninsel Jeju ist für ihre kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten bekannt – „Janchi Guksu“ ist etwa eine köstliche Schweinefleisch-Nudel-Suppe, die bei Hochzeiten serviert wird. Bei dem ganz speziellen Janchi, das die Performerin Olivia Hyunsin Kim anlässlich des 250-Millionen-jährigen Jubiläums der eurasischen Erdplatte als Versöhnungsritual zelebriert, steht allerdings eine uns bekannte Frucht im Mittelpunkt – außen gelb, innen weiß: die Banane …